Prepper Use of Smart Phones


Prepper Use of Smart Phones

So long as the power grid holds out and the communication towers continue to function, the technologies behind today’s cell phones are amazing. To have such power and access to real time data, information, and other critical features makes these handheld virtual computers an essential piece of prepper gear.

Admittedly, I am way late coming into the 22nd Century, but I have finally arrived… cautiously and slowly. My new Samsung s7 arrived two weeks ago and I am still climbing that steep learning curve for an old guy. It is coming along. I can already appreciate the vast array of “apps” and information that can be gleaned from one of these units.

So, forgive me if I happen to mention that these state-of-the-art iPhones and all their variations are still telephones. I mean, you can if you choose to actually place a phone call on one of these and talk to somebody. They are not just intended for posting Facebook entries, Twitters, and “Goo-Boos” or whatever else or for taking selfies of yourself brushing your teeth or shopping for new shoes or other mundane junk.

Most of you reading this are far more likely to be way ahead of the curve on all this technology than me, so forgive the redundancy of this report. Your handheld iPhone is probably loaded with a lot more apps than I have even found yet, but give me some time.

First, of course, I had to transfer all my contacts to the new unit, adding both phone numbers as well as email addresses. This hands-on computer allows calling, emailing, and thus texting as well from the palm of the hand. As a friend told me recently, he has 64 gig of memory because his phone is now in effect his computer. These gadgets are that powerful.

I have already practiced sending texts and am slowly learning the shortened versions of words and phrases. How cool. I have been surprised though in thinking that people were right on top of getting texts and would not only answer immediately, but continue the word version of conversations. Not true so far.

In terms of apps for preppers there are no ends to the sources of national and local news, warnings, weather, radar, maps, internet access to anything, driving directions, inventories of lists, and such. Dependency is easy to recognize. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed the power holds out.

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Award winning outdoor writer/photographer since 1978. Over 3000 articles and columns published nationally. Field & Stream Hero of Conservation in 2007. Fields of writing includes hunting most game in American, Canada, and Europe, fishing fresh and saltwater, destination travel, product reviews, industry consulting, and conservation issues. Currently VP at largest community college in Mississippi in economic development and workforce training with 40 years of experience in Higher Education. BS-MS in wildlife sciences from MO. University, and then a PhD in Industrial Psychology. Married with two children and Molly the Schnoodle.

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